The Key Indicators Database has been developed to facilitate detailed analysis of trade, financial and socio-economic trends in the Asia-Pacific region. Access to this database is free-of-charge and the data can be exported to Microsoft Excel.

The database includes over 120 economic, social and environmental indicators for APEC’s 21 member economies dating back to APEC’s inception in 1989. Data are sourced from a range of reputable providers including The World Bank, International Monetary Fund and United Nations. A full list of the indicators found in the Key Indicators Database is provided below.

For the first time, APEC aggregates for a broad range of indicators are available, making it easier to examine the region as a whole. Aggregates for APEC are either sums or weighted averages based on population, GDP and trade data found in the Key Indicators Database, unless otherwise indicated. If a datum is unavailable for an economy, then that economy is not included in the calculation of the APEC aggregate for that year. Aggregates are calculated for APEC only if data are available for at least two-thirds of the APEC economies. In the case of weighted averages, aggregates are calculated for APEC only if the data available represents at least two-thirds of the value of weights in that year.

Please refer to the Glossary for a detailed definition and the data source of each indicator.

Population (5 indicators)

Total Population (in thousands)
Population Growth Rate (annual %)
Population, Ages 0-14 (% of total population)
Population, Ages 15-64 (% of total population)
Population, Ages 65 and Above (% of total population)

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) / Gross National Income (GNI) (14 indicators)

GDP, Current USD (in millions)
GDP, Constant 2015 USD (in millions)
GDP, PPP, Current International Dollar (in millions)
GDP, PPP, Constant 2021 International Dollar (in millions)
GDP per capita, Current USD
GDP per capita, Constant 2015 USD
GDP per capita, PPP, Current International Dollar
GDP per capita, PPP, Constant 2021 International Dollar
GDP Growth Rate (annual %)
GDP per capita Growth Rate (annual %)
GNI, Atlas Method, Current USD (in millions)
GNI, PPP, Current International Dollar (in millions)
GNI per capita, Atlas Method, Current USD
GNI per capita, PPP, Current International Dollar

Inflation (3 indicators)

Consumer Prices (annual %)
Producer Prices (annual %)
GDP Deflator (annual %)

Labor (10 indicators)

Labor Force Participation Rate, Total (% of total population ages 15+)
Labor Force Participation Rate, Female (% of female population ages 15+)
Labor Force Participation Rate, Male (% of male population ages 15+)
Unemployment Rate, Total (% of total labor force)
Unemployment Rate, Female (% of female labor force)
Unemployment Rate, Male (% of male labor force)
Labor Productivity per Person Employed (constant 2022 USD at PPP)
Age Dependency Ratio (% of working-age population)
Age Dependency Ratio, Old (% of working-age population)
Age Dependency Ratio, Young (% of working-age population)

Economic Structure (6 indicators)

Value Added, Agriculture (% of GDP)
Value Added, Industry (% of GDP)
Value Added, Services (% of GDP)
Employment, Agriculture (% of total employment)
Employment, Industry (% of total employment)
Employment, Services (% of total employment)

Trade (13 indicators)

Imports of Merchandise Goods and Commercial Services (in current USD millions)
Imports of Merchandise Goods (in current USD millions)
Imports of Commercial Services (in current USD millions)
Imports of Merchandise Goods and Commercial Services (% of GDP)
Exports of Merchandise Goods and Commercial Services (in current USD millions)
Exports of Merchandise Goods (in current USD millions)
Exports of Commercial Services (in current USD millions)
Exports of Merchandise Goods and Commercial Services (% of GDP)
Merchandise Goods Trade (% of GDP)
Commercial Services Trade (% of GDP)
Current Account Balance (in current USD millions)
Current Account Balance (% of GDP)
Net Barter Terms of Trade Index

Trade Barriers (9 indicators)

MFN Applied Tariff, Simple Average, All Products (rate)
MFN Applied Tariff, Simple Average, Agricultural Products (rate)
MFN Applied Tariff, Simple Average, Non-agricultural Products (rate)
MFN Applied Tariff, Duty-free, All Products (% of HS 6-digit subheadings)
MFN Applied Tariff, Duty-free, Agricultural Products (% of HS 6-digit subheadings)
MFN Applied Tariff, Duty-free, Non-agricultural Products (% of HS 6-digit subheadings)
Economic Freedom of the World Index, Mean Tariff Rate (rating)
Economic Freedom of the World Index, Non-tariff Trade Barriers (rating)
Ease of Doing Business Index, Trading Across Borders (Score)

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) (8 indicators)

FDI Flows, Inward (in current USD millions)
FDI Flows, Outward (in current USD millions)
FDI Flows, Inward (% of gross fixed capital formation)
FDI Flows, Outward (% of gross fixed capital formation)
FDI Stocks, Inward (in current USD millions)
FDI Stocks, Outward (in current USD millions)
FDI Stocks, Inward (% of GDP)
FDI Stocks, Outward (% of GDP)

Movement of People (9 indicators)

International Tourism Arrivals (in thousands)
International Tourism Receipts (% of total exports)
International Tourism Expenditures (% of total imports)
Travel & Tourism Development Index (score)
International Migrant Stock (in thousands)
International Migrant Stock (% of total population)
Personal Remittances, Paid (in current USD millions)
Personal Remittances, Received (in current USD millions)
Personal Remittances, Received (% of GDP)

Finance (9 indicators)

Market Capitalization of Listed Companies (% of GDP)
S&P Global Equity Indices (annual % change)
Real Interest Rate (%)
Total Reserves, Including Gold (in current USD millions)
Total Reserves, Excluding Gold (in current USD millions)
Public Sector Revenue (% of GDP)
Public Sector Expense (% of GDP)
Public Sector Tax Revenue (% of GDP)
Public Sector Cash Surplus/Deficit (% of GDP)

Education (15 indicators)

Net Enrolment Rate, Upper Secondary, Total (%)
Net Enrolment Rate, Upper Secondary, Female (%)
Net Enrolment Rate, Upper Secondary, Male (%)
School Life Expectancy, Total (years)
School Life Expectancy, Female (years)
School Life Expectancy, Male (years)
Gross Enrolment Ratio, Secondary, Total (%)
Gross Enrolment Ratio, Secondary, Female (%)
Gross Enrolment Ratio, Secondary, Male (%)
Net Enrolment Rate, Lower Secondary, Total (%)
Net Enrolment Rate, Lower Secondary, Female (%)
Net Enrolment Rate, Lower Secondary, Male (%)
Gross Enrolment Ratio, Tertiary, Total (%)
Gross Enrolment Ratio, Tertiary, Female (%)
Gross Enrolment Ratio, Tertiary, Male (%)

Environment (6 indicators)

Adjusted Savings: Carbon Dioxide Damage (% of GNI)
Adjusted Savings: Net Forest Depletion (in current USD millions)
Adjusted Savings: Net Forest Depletion (% of GNI)
Adjusted Savings: Carbon Dioxide Damage (in current USD millions)
CO2 Emissions per GDP (in metric tons per million constant 2021 international dollar)
CO2 Emissions per capita (in metric tons)

Information & Communications (6 indicators)

Internet Subscriptions (per 100 inhabitants)
Internet Subscriptions, Broadband (per 100 inhabitants)
Internet Users (% of total population)
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions (per 100 inhabitants)
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions (ratio to fixed telephone lines)
Network Readiness Index (score)

Quality of Life (7 indicators)

Life Expectancy at Birth, Total (years)
Life Expectancy at Birth, Female (years)
Life Expectancy at Birth, Male (years)
Human Development Index Trends (value)
Gender Inequality Index (value)
Global Gender Gap Index (score)
Gender Equity Index (value)

Policy-related (8 indicators)

Economic Freedom of the World Index (rating)
Ease of Doing Business Index (Rank)
Corruption Perceptions Index (score)
Enabling Trade Index, Overall (score)
Enabling Trade Index, Market Access (score)
Enabling Trade Index, Border Administration (score)
Enabling Trade Index, Transport and Communications Infrastructure (score)
Enabling Trade Index, Business Environment (score)